I know I know, there hasn’t been much news on the blog lately. It’s mainly because we’ve been very boring people with nothing much to say :) So anyway what have we been up to?
Well for a start we found a new apartment. We’re moving into it tomorrow! It’s in Kirribilli near Milsons Point, much closer to the city than where we are now. And much closer to Romain’s work which will be handy for him! It has a balcony for barbecues and you can see the Opera House (although unfortunately there is a tree in the way so you kind of have to balance to see it). I’ve been thinking of ways of getting rid of that tree. The easiest I’d say would be to poison it. But apparently there are fines of $100 000 for damaging trees so I better not ;)

So once we had found this new apartment we drove all over Sydney in a van borrowed from my work and picked up lots of cheap furniture for our new place (thanks to the Gumtree website). For the moment it’s all in our old flat so we have 2 washing machines, 2 fridges, 2 microwaves, 2 beds… But tonight we’re loading it in the van and tomorrow we’re moving into the new apartment. We’ve also of course bought a barbecue, most important item of all :) Only thing missing is a cat. They did have gorgeous kittens for sale on Gumtree but I didn’t manage to convince Romain...
During the last month I was also very busy working on my internship reports. It was pretty boring but I’m now proud to announce that I’m finished Uni! Woohoo! At last!
So that’s all the news. Spring started on 1st September but it seems summer is coming very fast. We’ve had a couple days when it was 30 degrees so I can’t imagine what it will be like in the summer!
More news soon with photos of our new unit.