This weekend we (Nicole, Paul, Romain and I) spent the weekend in Newcastle. Even though the metropolitan area of Newcastle is the second most populous area in New South Wales, the city of Newcastle itself is pretty small and quiet. We were very surprised by the number of shops that had closed down and the number of empty business locations. Walking in some parts of the city was pretty depressing. There were however a few good pubs.
On Friday we went to the beach and then walking to Nobbys Headland. When we got to the end of the pier, lots of people were looking at the water so of course we wandered to where they were to have a look. Turns out there was a seal coming up from the water every few minutes as if he were showing off. He stayed for the whole time we were there. Of course we were all very excited cause we're not used to seeing seals! We got twice as excited when we heard a guy say he had just seen a dolphin. And there they were swimming along. We got to see them as they passed from one side of the pier to the other. They were really beautiful. It seemed to me it didn't last long enough at all. Hopefully we'll get to see more soon. We were able to take a few photos that I put here:
On Saturday we decided to go to the marina. In the end it wasn't a great idea cause the walk wasn't very nice. That's when we realised how deserted the town was. On Sunday we decided to stick to the coast and we walked on the beach and along the coast for the afternoon. No animals this time but it was still very nice!
So in the end it was a very nice weekend and the best part was the dolphins. I'm dying to see more!
2 commentaires:
Superbes phtos, tu es une vraie artiste, mais il est vrai que le pays s'y prête, non? Il me tarde d'y être. J'ai tous mes documents de voyage, alors j'épluche mon itinéraire. Il y a tant à voir! Tu dois être contente d'avoir tes frère et soeur avec toi, c'est sympa de vous voir tout les 4!!
J'apprécie aussi beaucoup tous les petits détails de la vie quotidienne, c'est super interessant!! Et ce faignant de Romain qui te laisse faire tout le boulot!!
Gros bisous Babette
J'ai oublié de te dire que vous aviez eu bien de la chance de voir les JMJ! Ca devait être quelque chose, et un événement très important pour Sydney. Les reportages TV ont montré la foule de jeunes et l'arrivée du Pape en bateau... Très impressionant!! Dommage que vous ne l'ayez pas vu, même de loin! Bisous Babette
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